Our Editorial and Publishing Policy

Editorial Policy

At PsihoSensus Therapy, we take great pride in providing high quality content that addresses key aspects of mental health, psychology, psychotherapy and personal development, and provides valuable information to our readers. Our articles are meticulously written by experienced psychotherapists, ensuring that each article reflects our expertise and passion for this fascinating and highly complex field.

PsihoSensus Therapy is, in addition to our psychology practice, the place where we want to contribute to the development of psychoeducation in Romania. Thus, in addition to providing psychological services at European standard, our mission is to bring closer to people the knowledge in this sphere of health and personal growth.

For transparency, here are our editorial standards for each article and page on our website.

The expertise and knowledge of our specialists

Our extensive experience in psychotherapy, psychology and personal development serves as the foundation of our editorial process. With many years of practical experience and a deep understanding of mental health, years of individual and group work, expert study and continuing education, we have the expertise to provide our readers with accurate, evidence-based information. Our comprehensive knowledge allows us to address a wide range of mental health topics, from disorders to relationships to personal growth.

See who the psychology, psychotherapy and personal development specialists who write our articles are.

Research and information verification

Before writing an article, we spend significant time thoroughly researching our chosen topic. We always consider scientific studies, reputable sources and the latest findings in the field to ensure that all our articles remain current and relevant. The information presented in our articles undergoes a rigorous fact-checking process to maintain its accuracy at all times.

So at the foot of each article you will find the scientific studies and research we rely on when writing articles. We use only reputable resources, medical journals and magazines, books and other relevant and reliable documents written by well-known researchers and specialists in the field.

Editorial supervision

In order to maintain the highest quality standards, we always ensure that the writing process is supervised and directed by specialists with expertise in the subject. They provide valuable feedback, ensuring that the content aligns with our mission and meets the needs of our readers. This approach helps us to refine our articles to ensure they remain accurate, trustworthy and have a positive impact.

Up-to-date information

At PsihoSensus Therapy we recognise that it is particularly important to keep up to date with the latest developments in mental health, psychotherapy and personal development. Our commitment to providing accurate and up-to-date information means that we constantly strive to ensure that our articles reflect the latest knowledge and research available. We actively engage in continuing professional development by attending conferences, workshops and staying informed about the latest research in the field.

This commitment to being up-to-date allows us to provide articles that incorporate the latest findings and evidence-based practices, ensuring that our readers receive the most accurate and relevant information related to mental health, psychotherapy and personal development.

We understand that our field is constantly evolving and remain dedicated to providing up-to-date content that provides our readers with the latest information. That’s why every few months we make it a routine to check and update our articles with the latest information in the field.

Continuous learning and growth

The field of mental health, psychotherapy and personal development, is constantly evolving and we are committed to keeping up with the latest developments in the field. We actively engage in professional development, attending conferences, workshops and seminars to expand our knowledge and refine our therapeutic approach. This dedication to continuous learning allows us to provide our readers with the most relevant information.

Our articles are complementary resources, not a substitute for expert advice
While we strive to provide valuable information and insights through our articles, it is important to note that all information on the site, including tests and exercise logs, is not intended to replace personalized mental health advice from a qualified psychotherapist or health professional such as a psychiatrist in a specialist consultation.

Our articles serve as complementary information resources that can enhance your knowledge of mental health, personal development, psychology and psychotherapy. However, each person’s journey is unique, and seeking professional help is crucial for accurate diagnosis, treatment planning, and personalized support. We encourage our readers to always consult with a psychotherapist or healthcare provider for specific concerns or questions related to their mental health or personal development.

Psychoeducation and awareness are important, but cannot replace professional guidance from a professional.

Reader feedback and involvement

We value the input of our readers as it helps us understand their concerns on a deeper level. That’s why we encourage you to provide feedback, ask questions and suggest topics for future articles. By actively engaging our readers, we create a vibrant community focused on wellness and mental, emotional health.

Commitment to excellence

Here at PsihoSensus Therapy, our editorial process is driven by a commitment to excellence, empathy, and accurate information. Through our expertise and experience, in-depth research and collaboration, we aim to provide all of our visitors with the knowledge they need to navigate their journeys in mental health, psychotherapy, psychoeducation and personal development.

We believe that everyone deserves access to fair, compassionate and informative content, and our mission is to provide just that.

Got questions?

If you have any questions about how we write our articles, the specialists on our editorial team, or would like to make an appointment, here’s how to contact us:

PsihoSensus Therapy: 14 Orsova Street, Bucharest, Romania
CIF 45925880
Phone: 0773394730
Email: [email protected]

Editorial: [email protected]

GDPR: [email protected]

Psychotherapist Valentina Dragomir: [email protected]

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